There have been many revisions of the old fairy tales, and most people today are probably more familiar with the Disney versions than any other. For the true fairy tale experience, however, nothing is quite as enjoyable as the real thing- The Brothers Grimm. Sure, their tales reflect a harsher world than the one we would like our children to know. Maybe they are a bit gruesome, gory, and ghastly, but they generally end with the good being rewarded and the bad being punished (usually in some violently satisfying way.) They may be the cause of a few nightmares, but they will also paint some visuals that Disney wouldn't dare to bring to the screen. For example, I remember reading the Grimm's version of Cinderella in which one of the vile, ugly step-sisters is so determined to marry the prince that she cuts off her toes in order to make the glass slipper fit. Boy did that paint a picture in my young mind that was hard to shake. For years after that I was even afraid to tell my mother when my shoes got too small. That's good stuff!
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